Get involved


Scouting is a character factory

Not our words, but those of our lead volunteer, Chief Scout Bear Grylls.

Are you ready to inspire a generation of young people to experience fun, friendship and real adventure? The opportunities to volunteer with us are flexible. Think of something you’d like to do and chances are it’s just what we require.

Love working with kids? Overflowing with ideas for games and activities? Have specialised skills you can offer? Got a few hours a week spare? Or just an hour a month?

We’re always looking for new faces to join our already fantastic leadership teams! Whether you can come every week and become a full time leader or just pop in to offer your skills now and again, we want to hear from you!

Our Scout Group is based in the Clase area of Swansea. If you don’t live near us but are interested in volunteering  please follow this link and fill in your details and you will be contacted in due course. Enjoy the Adventure!


Good with people? Numbers? Promotion? Want to support Scouting without working directly with our young people?

Every Scout Group is an autonomous organisation holding its own property and equipment, but all that money and administration doesn’t sort itself out! Behind our Sectional Leaders is a great support team including the Group Executive Committee and Group Scout Council. Have your say and help to improve the Scouting experience for all, even become Group Secretary or Group Treasurer. There is no requirement to have been involved in Scouting before, just an interest in what we do! To find out more and register your interest contact us!


Scout Active Support allows people to give their time to Scouting in a flexible way that suits them. People can still be involved in Scouting without the full-time commitment of being a leader. There is no requirement to have been involved in Scouting before joining. All that is required is a willingness to volunteer some time to support Scouting. Scout Active Support can take up as much or as little time as the volunteer wishes.